Our Work

Located on the Southside of Chicago, Southside Center of Hope provides a 12-step, evidence-based residential recovery program at no cost. Since our founding in 1983, we have helped more than 4,000 women gain freedom from addiction.

We believe that addiction is a disease, recovery is a lifelong process and the solution to addiction problems lies in connecting to one’s higher power.

We provide women with a long-term recovery program in a safe, structured, healthy environment. Offering a secure and comfortable community setting, Southside Center of Hope allows women to address issues from a “whole-person” perspective related to their addiction. In addition, by serving women only, our residents strengthen one another while gaining the tools for transformational healing.

Because addiction affects women and men differently, our program addresses the needs of adult women only. It is structured in three phases; we ask that our residents make a minimum six-month commitment to complete at least Phases I and II.

Program Phases

Phase I

The program begins with an intensive three months of recovery education and behavioral health therapy. The 12 Steps of Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous are covered, residents are required to obtain a sponsor, attend two AA/NA meetings per week, participate in an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), meet once a week with their Substance Abuse Counselor and attend required groups.

Phase II

In this phase, working with their Substance Abuse Counselor residents set short and long-term goals. The Substance Abuse Counselor refers residents to a job training program and some residents further their education by enrolling in a GED Program. Residents continue working with their sponsor, attend required groups and two AA/NA meetings per week.

Phase III

In this final phase, residents focus on maintaining their recovery and transitioning to independent living. Residents work with their Substance Abuse Counselor to focus on topics ranging from relapse prevention, stress management, money management and developing positive relationships. Residents continue working with their sponsor and are required to attend one AA/NA meeting per week.